Thursday, August 2, 2012

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Shook his head and said: in 太岁头上动土 no one would dare. in the political arena, his gang of friends are not vegetarian, even if those underworld figures, but also far away legislator talking about business, he is now the case of these two companies are more special, very different from other companies can even say that he was not even a rival in the business world are not planetary data is a semi-official bodies, and have their own core technology, have been able to maintain the technological leadership, others want to compete dispute can not be tantamount to trying to find fault and the government argue with him, unless technically than their leader, if you use improper means to court death almost as software masters of the information sector has been his plunder was almost expropriation of other people can at any time, and planetary data have established the basis of research projects in cooperation with many domestic colleges and research institutes, and so maintain a technology leader in this one should be no problem, at least in the country the situation is even more of the Meishan Group , play the cultural card, the most valuable the Meishan This brand, as long as the Chinese people also recognize the fathers, and a little awareness of history and culture, as long as people have food,fake oakleys, clothing, as long as they are always legitimate business system inferior fraud Meishan this brand will not fall down as long as the Meishan this brand does not fall, must be rolling in money. Meishan Group Overall very large, but assigned to each segment are small, not to mention he stick to the fine line, little impact on the business of others, there can be what people will fight to the bitter things in the business with the Meishan Group. urban centers and tourist attractions located only a Meishan Hotel, basically every Meishan Hotel only a small store, usually only two floors, the reception of traffic every day is extremely limited, will not cause much influence on the business of other hotel, the Meishan wine class products are in accordance with quantitative production plan, in addition to their own name Meishan hotel are external to the limited supply, but a small share, and never intended to engage in monopolistic operations in our industry, so it basically does not infringe upon the interests of peers. Su Qingling nodded his head and said: provided, such a large mine, even if not followed by government support, their strength is enough to see the I thought the planetary data bait, the first free part of the product to the government and the army, later money did not think they simply a semi-official bodies, but this down the distance a little loss a year down the billions of losses are more than can be seen in the distance of money is not too enthusiastic, he seems to me that the pursuit of success itself it. if long-term this continues the development of the company, after all, we are international standards, if the planetary data to continue to develop, they should act in accordance with internationally accepted rules of the game in the international arena, the private enterprises to participate in

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